Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Millions in PPP Fraud and Counting!

Millions in relief funds meant to keep employees on the payroll were instead blown on extravagant personal spending sprees.

Newsletter | February 23, 2021

Small Business Trends Newsletter
Millions in PPP Fraud and Counting!

It's a wild tale, but true! Millions in relief funds meant to keep employees on the payroll were instead blown on extravagant personal spending sprees. Look at who's accused and the crazy things they purchased! Read More >>

Small Business Innovation Research Summit (SBIR)
Feb 23 - Online
This event is designed to help small businesses enter the market by learning from the subject matter experts who have been successful. The SBIR Summit will bring together innovators, creators, and entrepreneurs from all areas – commercial, government and academia. Learn More >>

WEBINAR: Email Marketing Basics: Automating and Monitoring Your Campaigns
Feb 24 - Online
Learn how to build, segment, and nurture your email lists in order to improve engagement and retain quality campaign subscribers. In this webinar you will also gain a better understanding of GDPR, avoiding spam filters, and the importance of keeping your lists clean. Learn More >>

Email Marketing Basics Webinar: Automating and Monitoring Your Lists
Feb 24 - Online
Learn how to create automated email marketing campaigns to streamline your customer acquisition process. You'll also learn about managing your sender reputation score, as well as key email marketing metrics to track to make sure your emails are performing as well as they can. Learn More >>

Discover more events on the Small Business Trends event calendar or Submit your small business event for Free!
Spotlight: Fairy Shimmerhair Explores a Magical Niche in the Beauty Industry
There are plenty of unique niches within the beauty space. And Fairy Shimmerhair explores a magical niche in the beauty industry. Read More >>

Get Inspired by other Spotlights!
Faith, Failure, Success is an Inspirational Weekend Read
Entrepreneurs are yearning for an uplifting and motivational read. Faith, failure, success is an inspirational weekend book to read. Read More >>

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Copyright 2021 Small Business Trends LLC. All rights reserved.
Small Business Trends 15275 Collier Blvd #201-367 Naples, Florida 34119 United States (888) 842-1186

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Get Your Business Across the Digital Divide

Here are three components of your business that can benefit from adopting cloud-based solutions.

Newsletter | February 16, 2021

Small Business Trends Newsletter
Is Your Small Business on the Wrong Side of the Digital Divide?

Has your small business crossed the digital divide yet? Taking a slower evolutionary approach to going digital may have sufficed two or so years ago. But 2020 changed everything. There are numerous cloud-based applications on the market, addressing specific tasks and job functions. Here are three components of your business that can benefit from adopting cloud-based solutions. Read More >>

WEBINAR: Email Marketing Basics: Building and Maintaining Your List
Feb 17 - Online
Learn how to build, segment, and nurture your email lists in order to improve engagement and retain quality campaign subscribers. In this webinar you will also gain a better understanding of GDPR, avoiding spam filters, and the importance of keeping your lists clean. Learn More >>

Small Business Innovation Research Summit (SBIR)
Feb 23 - Online
This event is designed to help small businesses enter the market by learning from the subject matter experts who have been successful. The SBIR Summit will bring together innovators, creators, and entrepreneurs from all areas – commercial, government and academia. Learn More >>

Discover more events on the Small Business Trends event calendar or Submit your small business event for Free!
Spotlight: Zogics Moves the Fitness Industry Forward with Sanitizing Solutions
Cleaning and disinfecting are more important than ever. That's where Zogics moves the fitness industry forward with sanitizing solutions. Read More >>

Get Inspired by other Spotlights!
The Ministry of Common Sense Strives to Bring Empathy Back
The Ministry of Common Sense strives to bring empathy back. How you might put common sense at the center of your business. Read More >>

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Copyright 2021 Small Business Trends LLC. All rights reserved.
Small Business Trends 15275 Collier Blvd #201-367 Naples, Florida 34119 United States (888) 842-1186

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

PPP Loan Fraud: $341 Million & Counting!

The PPP loan program attracted a few rotten apples. Look at the crazy things purchased in this infographic!

Newsletter | February 9, 2021

Small Business Trends Newsletter
$341 Million in PPP Fraud So Far, and Counting!

PPP loans have helped millions of small businesses survive the Covid-19 pandemic. But $341 million went to extravagant personal spending sprees. Look at the crazy things purchased in this infographic! Read More >>

Email Marketing Basics Webinar: Writing Effective Copy
Feb 10 - Online
Want to write impactful email marketing copy that utilizes your unique voice? Join this webinar for tips and tricks! Learn how to establish your brand's voice, hone in on your goals, and get some campaign ideas. Learn More >>

Discover more events on the Small Business Trends event calendar or Submit your small business event for Free!
Spotlight: Tron Solar Makes Its Mark as the Top Solar Company in Illinois
Solar energy is a fast growing industry. So companies need to work hard to stand out. Tron Solar has managed to do just that. Read More >>

Get Inspired by other Spotlights!
The Ministry of Common Sense Strives to Bring Empathy Back
The Ministry of Common Sense strives to bring empathy back. How you might put common sense at the center of your business. Read More >>

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Copyright 2021 Small Business Trends LLC. All rights reserved.
Small Business Trends 15275 Collier Blvd #201-367 Naples, Florida 34119 United States (888) 842-1186

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

3 Smart Ways Entrepreneurs Can Save Time

Given there will never be more than 24 hours in a day, here are some tips for maximizing productivity.

Newsletter | February 2, 2021

Small Business Trends Newsletter
3 Smart Ways Entrepreneurs Can Save Time

Entrepreneurs are like snowflakes — each one of us is unique. But the one trait nearly all of us share — we don't have enough time in our days to get it all done. Given there will never be more than 24 hours in a day, here are some tips for maximizing productivity, so you can focus on growing your small business. Read More >>

Email Marketing Basics Webinar: Writing Effective Copy
Feb 10 - Online
Want to write impactful email marketing copy that utilizes your unique voice? Join this webinar for tips and tricks! Learn how to establish your brand's voice, hone in on your goals, and get some campaign ideas. Learn More >>

Discover more events on the Small Business Trends event calendar or Submit your small business event for Free!
A Story of Entrepreneurial Inspiration from the Beaches of Bali
How two entrepreneurs pivoted during Covid-19 to offer completely custom tech solutions for those who need to rapidly build online services. Read More >>

Get Inspired by other Spotlights!
The Ministry of Common Sense Strives to Bring Empathy Back
The Ministry of Common Sense strives to bring empathy back. How you might put common sense at the center of your business. Read More >>

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Copyright 2021 Small Business Trends LLC. All rights reserved.
Small Business Trends 15275 Collier Blvd #201-367 Naples, Florida 34119 United States (888) 842-1186