Thursday, November 14, 2013

How Writing and Publishing an eBook Can Grow Your Business

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How to Boost Your Business with eBooks. Building your Brand, Prospect                                            List, and Customer Base with eBooks.
Turn Your Next Whitepaper Into An eBook
Whitepapers are a great way to soft-sell your business. By offering useful information instead of directly soliciting business, white papers break through the marketplace communication overload more effectively than advertising and many other marketing techniques.

BookBaby’s newest guide, “How Writing and Publishing an eBook can Grow your Business” explains how unlike traditional books, eBooks can be produced quickly, affordably, and frequently, making them the perfect delivery system for corporate whitepapers.

This resource guide explains how eBooks can help you:
  • Increase your brand awareness
  • Build your prospect list
  • Boost your website SEO
  • And more!
Ready to market your business with eBooks?

Download your free copy
Free Resources for Authors:
How-To Guide for Writers   5 Secrets of Successful Authors   Blogging 101
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