Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Small Business Trends News - January 7, 2014

Small Business Trends


January 7, 2014

How Should You Correct a Problem Employee?

It's the part of our jobs every small business owner hates - dealing with a problem employee. Whatever the reason, whether you dislike confrontation or worry about getting sued, you can't ignore employee problems, or they will just get bigger and potentially threaten your entire business. Fortunately, there are some simple steps you can take to protect your business legally, while also correcting a problem employee's poor behavior.

What's New

Fast Answers About 1099 Forms for Independent Workers

Anita Campbell - January 07, 2014

As a U.S. business owner, if you hire independent contractors and service providers, you probably will have to issue a special tax form to them during January, called the 1099.Keep…

Amazon Now Collects Taxes in 19 States … with More on the Way

Shawn Hessinger - January 06, 2014

You probably remember the Internet Sales Tax that passed the U.S. Senate last year . The proposed law seemed to get stranded in committee in the U.S. House soon…

5 Changes for Your 2014 Qualified Retirement Plan

Barbara Weltman - January 06, 2014

Most businesses have a qualified retirement plan to enable owners and employees to save for retirement on a tax-advantaged basis. Self-employed individuals may also have a qualified retirement plan…

New Instagram Ads Bring 17 Percent More Brand Awareness

Joshua Sophy - January 06, 2014

If and when Instagram advertising becomes available to smaller businesses, there seems to be some evidence of its effectiveness for brand awareness.Of course, whether that exposure will make dollars and…

Does a Rise in Housing Starts Equal Growth in Construction Startups?

Scott Shane - January 06, 2014

The U.S. Commerce Department reported recently that November's residential housing starts were up 30 percent year-over-year. That means they have reached their highest level since February 2008. Those…

What the Smartest Voices Have to Say

Brian Bell of Zuora: Why Subscriptions are Good for Business

Brent Leary - January 03, 2014

One of the major shifts taking place is the growing adoption by consumers of subscriptions for goods and services instead of buying them outright. According to an October 2013 Economist…

Brian Bell of Zuora: Why Subscriptions are Good for Business

Blast From The Past: What Was Hot One Year Ago?

Podcasting Takes Prominent Place In Content Marketing

Deborah Shane - January 10, 2013

eMarketer projects that growth will continue for the U.S. podcasting audience through 2013 – 37.6 million people will download podcasts monthly, more than double the 2008 figure of 17.4…

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TJ McCue

TJ is an entrepreneur who publishes Tech Biz Talk. TJ is a former Wall Street Journal columnist. He also writes for Forbes and American Express OPEN Forum. He loves learning about technology apps and software services - share yours with TJ. More

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