Saturday, March 2, 2013

Weight Loss: How to Lose Weight With Green Tea Extract

The research on the extract of green tea
Green tea has been the subject of study and various laboratory experiments: scientists confirm the effectiveness of the extract of green tea as an adjunct to a diet aimed at weight loss. In one study in particular, the integration of green tea in a weight loss and subsequent maintenance program has produced significant results in some overweight individuals. The researchers believe that catechins (a subclass of flavonoids) contained in green tea are the main "responsible" for burning fat in the body. Women Dresses Shop

Although these results are useful for the diet, green tea also has many health benefits and has been used throughout history from a variety of cultures and traditions that are used to treat a wide range of ailments, in fact the antioxidants in green tea help to reduce the cellular damage that occurs in cancer, also help to prevent premature aging. Last but not least, green tea lowers bad cholesterol and increases good cholesterol level instead. Women Dresses Shop

Green tea has always been used as a diuretic, as an astringent for healing wounds and in the regulation of body temperature, as well as the levels of sugar in the blood even helps in digestion!

Take the green tea extract for weight loss
The green tea extract is available in health food stores and is useful if you do not like the taste of green tea. The liquid extract is in fact composed of leaf buds and leaves themselves and, for the purpose of weight loss, one can take a dose between 200 and 750 mg per day to achieve the maximum effect.

Drink green tea to lose weight
The green tea itself is a healthy drink, three hundred and sixty degrees. One way to incorporate green tea in your diet regime is to drink it instead of other beverages. You need about three cups of green tea a day to experience an increase in metabolism and fat burning, the secret is to identify the other drinks that you consume each day and replace it with green tea. For example, if you are an avid consumer of coffee, replace your morning cup of green tea: you will still be stimulated by caffeine in tea but you will at the same time burning fat and other health benefits that would not normally associate with the coffee. Other beverages to replace the green tea drinks and fruit juices full of sugar, which tend to provide excess calories and little nutrition. Women Dresses Shop

The caffeine in green tea
It is true: you have to be cautious about drinking green tea because it contains caffeine and excessive consumption of caffeinated beverages can cause dehydration, dizziness, nausea and insomnia. In this case, you can drink more water and possibly choose decaffeinated green tea. Also, if you are taking medication, supplements or other herbs, it is best to check the situation with your doctor before adding large amounts of green tea or its extract to your diet.

Green tea and green tea extract are a widely used and generally safe and effective way to boost your metabolism. When you embed green tea in your daily diet, you not only burn more fat, but you can benefit from a wide range of positive aspects to health that you do not get from other common beverages such as coffee and soft drinks.


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