Saturday, March 2, 2013

Adjusted With Green Tea, Water, Vegetables And Lemon

The substance that purifies there is more water. We think that our body is made up of 75% from this liquid.
Nutritionists recommend a daily consumption of water equal to 1.5-2 liters. It 'important, according to experts, the water is drunk at room temperature in order to avoid sudden changes in temperature and harmful. Shoes Women Shop

This protein-rich legume contains lecithin and choline, two substances that maintain a healthy metabolism and blocking the absorption of fat by the body. It is a perfect combination that allows the body to burn calories and to reduce, at the same time, the absorption of fats.

The fruit is considered "the sweeper body's natural". It contains a lot of water and is rich in nutrients such as fiber and vitamin C. In diets, in fact, it is suggested a constant consumption of this food. Are preferable citrus (grapefruit and oranges) for their highly cleansing.
It 'important to eat all kinds of fruits and vary as much as possible. Shoes Women Shop

The vegetable food is the treatment par excellence. It contains a high proportion of water, vitamins, minerals and fiber. It 'better to eat raw vegetables so as to retain the substances.

Green tea and the 'yerba mate' (a plant from South America) contain properties such as theobromine, catechin and caffeine that are highly effective in the expulsion of fat. The combination of caffeine and theobromine effectively helps to burn fat deposits.
Catechin also reduces incredibly bad cholesterol.
A mixture purifying very effective (to be created even at home) is based lemon tea, it is a compound capable of purifying enormously our body. Shoes Women Shop
The drink is prepared using classic tea, lemon, maple syrup (or you can use honey) and cayenne pepper.
The drink is prepared by squeezing the lemon in hot tea, adding maple syrup and a sprinkling of pepper.


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