Saturday, March 2, 2013

Alzheimer's, wine and green tea slow the progression

Tea extract 'green and red wine can stop a key cellular mechanism in the progression of Alzheimer's disease. The discovery of the University of Leeds' was published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry. Researchers have identified the process that allows the accumulation of harmful proteins to form in the brain cells, causing them to death then. Women Swim Shop

Women Swim Shop The scientists were able to interrupt this mechanism using purified extracts of EGCG from you 'green and resveratrol from red wine. After forming amyloid protein aggregates and adding them to the laboratory animal and human brain cells, scientists have found that extracts from red wine and you 'green made ​​sure that these aggregates do not have more' affected. '' The next step is to 'understand how, exactly, the interaction of amyloid proteins in the cells leading to the death of neurons'' said Nigel Hooper, one of the authors of the research. Women Swim Shop


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